This World Tour

10 May This World Tour

This World Tour


Things have been cooking. Who is the Chef nobody knows…

How mysterious it all is, and how little we actually know. 

It is a wonderful state, resting in not knowing and taking care of the garden of my life. 


The new dishes include new songs and poems, a new 'Song Initiation Self Healing' program and a series of concerts starting June 8th in Mullumbimby. 

(All details will follow).


The world is calling me NOW to venture into the great open. To spread my wings and share what I can. The love that comes through the music, the insights that come through the love, this poetry of being alive.


The world tour that may have started way before I was born, continues with every breath.

It seems to me that the art of Being is the greatest and ultimate pinnacle of human existence. Looking through clear eyes and seeing it all for what it truly is. A miracle.



  • Nyck
    Posted at 01:40h, 10 May Reply


  • Ester
    Posted at 14:37h, 10 May Reply

    Yor words(energy) musice resoneted here ,it peaceful and beautiful.Toda me col ha lev.Ester


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