Song Initiation

The more we are aware of our true nature, the more life can be the song that our Soul is singing.

The ancients tell us that above the cave of the Oracle of Delphi were inscribed the words: ‘Know Thy Self’.

Some would say that is the most important and challenging mission for us all…

Designed to support and facilitate Self inquiry and exploration, (that is indeed Self healing),
through Self expression, I offer a process that is named : The Song Initiation.

5 one on one meetings, 90 minutes long each, in which one will write, compose, sing and record their own song.

In each and every one of us there is a song that is asking to be heard.
This is an invitation to embark on an adventure of connecting the inner and outer sounds.
To listen and then sing your own song.

Song Initiation is for those of you who feel and hear the call for your own song yet to be sung.
No previous experience is needed, and for the experienced ones there’s always a new song.

Please feel free to contact me for further details.