
10 May This World Tour

This World Tour


Things have been cooking. Who is the Chef nobody knows…

How mysterious it all is, and how little we actually know. 

It is a wonderful state, resting in not knowing and taking care of the garden of my life. 


The new dishes include new songs and poems, a new 'Song Initiation Self Healing' program and a series of concerts starting June 8th in Mullumbimby. 

(All details will follow).


The world is calling me NOW to venture into the great open. To spread my wings and share what I can. The love that comes through the music, the insights that come through the love, this poetry of being alive.


The world tour that may have started way before I was born, continues with every breath.

It seems to me that the art of Being is the greatest and ultimate pinnacle of human existence. Looking through clear eyes and seeing it all for what it truly is. A miracle.



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16 Dec The Birth of Now

For the last 5 month or so, since my father departed this world, I have been in a kind of a cocoon. mostly working at home, hardly on the social scene.
It perfectly matched what Life brought to me that time, and where I was at. 

Now it feels like Life is luring me out, into the garden of the expanded circles of family and friends. the ever epanding circle of Love and Consciouness.

It started with the opening for the wonderful Yasmin Levy few weeks ago in Lismore, and it continues with my involvement with the UPLIFT festival in Byron Bay, Australia.

This amazing opportunity to share with leaders and luminaries from around the world, in an eclectic and rich program, holistic and comprehensive, is nothing less than the living example of the creative power of Love when it is communicated. 

As the Mayan calendar is coming to an end, this uplifting gathering signifies the birth of Now – ness, forever New forever Present!
We've never been Now before. It is this Now that is the open gate for heaven on Earth.

It is up to us people. We are the ones we've been waiting for!

Come and let us join in the celebration of our infinte possibilities to actually Live Peace, and thrive in our manifestation.

check :


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30 Jul The gift of my Aba

My father left his body over a month ago. Such a potent time.
It is such an awakening experience to be near death.
A fierce reminder that every moment we are is an actual gift,
every breath we take is not to be taken for granted.

We are here for a blink of an eye.
What do we cherish for the brief time we are here for?
What is left once we're gone?

All that remains is the love we share, the love we communicate, the love we are.

My father always shared his love with me and with the world.
For me, this is the gift of his legacy.
This is what I aspire to share with my children, with my family, with the circles of friends and with the world I live in.

What else is there?

May we always be present and trust beyond doubt: We are indeed made of Love.



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01 Mar This Launch

What an incredibly inspiring moment it is, to see in high speed, the process of one seed sprouting, growing into a young plant, then into a tree. Then comes its flowering, out of which the fruit appears, and the fruit is ripened and then launched: into the air or into the mouth of someone to enjoy, or to the earth, to bring another seed into this world of constant creation.
It still amazes me, how an idea becomes manifested. The potential of the seed to become a tree…How music that is coming from the great unknown is played and listened to… Well, a mystery it is, and here 'This' is, 'Zeh' ('This' in Hebrew) – my new album. After 9 albums I produced or co-produced, many hundreds of shows, concerts and performances around the world, with ensembles, bands, duos & trios, here comes the first solo fruit.  A ripe fruit. It is not that I am doing it all alone, oh no, of course not. I'm still working with an amazing ensemble of people, who are very important and essential to the process of fruition. But there's a new feeling in me, as if there has been an initiation into a new phase, a new season has begun.
About a month ago I launched this album in Israel, infront of over 200 friends and family and those who were interested to hear what I share… I felt as if the evening was an actual initiation ritual life provided, and so here I am now, all ready to launch the album in Byron Bay Community Centre, Australia. Once the music is done and the album is launched, it has a life of its own. It will reach and touch and move without me, like a child that is spreading wings and flying out of the parents home, like a fruit that is being picked, by a hand of a man, a beak of a bird, or by the earth itself. This launch is a fruitful moment of the love and inspiration that fueled the creation of this album. I am so happy to share it with you! Come and join me on the 16th of March in the Byron Bay Community Centre, in body and/or in Spirit 🙂


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22 Nov Hello World

Here it is, the time has come. Now is here…
The site is getting ready to share the world, the album 'Zeh' is about to be in the stores, and I feel excited like a parent.
Funny how things work and ripen on their own accord, in their own right time.

Who is running this great wheel of life? do we really have a choice, or is it all randomly pre-determined?
My heart knows, that I am co creating my experiences, given the fact that my experiences are colored by the way I perceive them.
Not knowing is a fundumental state of human existence, and when I resist it, I usually find, that the mind entangles me in a pickle,
simply by trying to make sense of what is unknowable, mysterious…

'Let the mystery be' I hear the sage's words, 'accept what is with all the awareness and compassion that can be gathered by your presence…
what needs to happen will happen no matter how much you try to avoid it, and what needs not to happen, will not happen, no matter how much
you will try to push it…'

What a challenge, to partcipate actively in the process of life and to be free of the claws of agendas…
allowing the natural flow to occur, while making the choice in the moment, to simply be present with what is.
Not as an intellectual idea, but as a living proof of the magical grace that sustains us all.

Good luck and congratulations:-)

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